Full Speed Ahead
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need a Life Coach?
Coaching can help with clarity and motivation around challenges, choices and decisions in life, relationships and career. It can help to re-frame thoughts and beliefs that have been holding you back for years. Coaching can help you gain insight into blind-spots as to how you see yourself and experiences, empowering you to be the best version of you possible. If you have been trying the same things again and again and they still aren’t working, then it is time to try something different. Coaching can be the something different. You can be the change in your life.
What is the Difference between Coaching and Therapy?
There are similarities between coaching and therapy as they both aim to help you with some challenge in your life. Therapy can focus more on diagnosis, whereas coaching does not diagnose or work with mental health diagnoses. Therapy tends to focus more in the past, whereas the main coaching focus is in the present and the future. Therapy looks into experiences, whereas coaching challenges the beliefs that you are left with from the experiences. Coaching is based on positive psychology and client led, whereas therapy maybe more directive and therapist driven. For further information read this blog.
What Happens in a Coaching Session?
Each session you bring a focus for what you want to work on. We work collaboratively to identify what it is that you truly want and what steps you can take to get there, with regards to the topic you bring and your overarching aim for coaching. Sometimes, you will revisit the same topic, as change can take time. The sessions last up to an hour, and are generally every other week. If you have been a previous client, you can also schedule booster sessions, when you feel you need them.
How Long will I need Coaching for?
That depends on you. The more you put into coaching, the more you will get out of it. Coaching is led by you, and your motivation to change. No one size fits all. Coaching is a commitment to yourself and your future. Change takes time. I will be with you on your journey.
What is mindfulness & how can it help?
Mindfulness adopts principles that are used in meditation practice. These principles can help you have a different perspective of life, and live in a less anxious, angry or stressed way. Mindfulness and meditation can help calm your mind, body and emotions.
I’m ready to begin Coaching, now what?
First, schedule a free Discovery Call through one of the links. Together we will work out what it is you are really looking for, and whether we are a good fit for each other. If we think we will work well together, then you pay for a coaching package. At this point, we will schedule the first session. I will then send you a coaching agreement and an intake form to complete before the first session. Then we begin your journey forward at Full Speed Ahead.