Have you found yourself waking up at 0200 in a panic because you realized you'll be taking off the uniform in less than 12 months?
The panic comes from worrying about life after the military.
What do I do after I retire?
What job do I choose?
Where do we live?
Will my spouse need to find a (another) job?
How much money do we need to make?
These fears are normal, but they don't have to be debilitating!
I can help you navigate the transition from active duty to the civilian world.

44% of veterans leave their first job within the first year. Another 21% within their second.
The simple reason veterans leave their first job so soon is that it is the wrong job for them!
They jump at the first job for $$$ and security.
They don't choose the job that gives them a reason to wake up each morning excited for the work that they will do.
Want to buck the trend and make the right choice?
I can help you do that.
Connect with me and let's chat.